Display your entire bouquet beautifully with this 11" x 14" tray. This is a truly a statement piece that will remind you of your special day forever.
Add a black background to your tray for a dramatic impact that will make your flowers pop!
For smaller bouquets, you may want to consider dropping off additional flowers (bridesmaid bouquets, center pieces, etc.) to fill this gorgeous tray.
Although the resin used to create this piece is food safe, it is not recommended to use functionally as a tray. This piece weighs over 10 lbs. and works very well as a centerpiece on a table or ottoman. Due to its weight, avoid holding the tray by the handles. Instead hold it from the bottom. It is a piece of art so it should be handled with care. If you place anything on the tray always us a coaster with a felt of soft cloth backing to prevent scratches.